Sunday, August 15, 2010

John McCain - Secretary of Defense

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has served exceptionally under two Presidents. Now that he plans to retire in 2011, I would like President Obama to consider John McCain as the next Secretary of Defense.

McCain has the experience and respect for the position, he’s a warrior who knows the cost of war, and he’s a budget hawk who will be able to both cut wasteful spending *and* improve our future security. John McCain is an American hero and was a proven independent before he ran for President.

Secretary Gates has recently attacked spending priorities in the Defense Department. Only a strong character with unquestionable courage will be able to fight the political-military-industrial complex that has led to so much bloat in Defense. McCain possesses those characteristics, is respected by most Republicans, and has the experience and background to take over the Afghanistan war effort.

Candidate Obama stressed bipartisanship during his campaign; a McCain appointment would be his biggest step yet in fulfilling that promise as President.

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