Saturday, May 29, 2010

The President should resign from their party after election

Previously, I advocated that the Vice President should perform party duties so the President can focus on American issues, not party concerns. Recent news from the White House, defending their attempts to divert Joe Sestak from the Senate primary race against Arlen Specter as "politics as usual", now makes me think that the President should resign their party in their Inauguration address.

While I don't think that anything illegal was done, the whole system stinks. All candidates for political office are American citizens, and they each should be able to count on neutrality from their President. Were the President to become an Independent on day 1, then they could establish a standard that they won't participate in political activities. As a bonus, the President could avoid the poor appearance of speaking at a fund-raiser for a Democratic Senator while oil continues to pour into the Gulf of Mexico.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It doesn't help America when mass media manufactures anger to boost their ratings.

There are very few things that you should get angry about, but there are a very few number of things that you should get very angry about.